Friday, May 6, 2011

Respite PRIDE

This week at work Chris and I initiated operation PRIDE banner on Wednesday and Thursday. At the HCA our 5 main reasons for being there are: Protect, Respect, Initiative, Document, & Environment. Our Director had asked each house to make a PRIDE banner to show at our upcoming quarterly training. Here are some pics of our progress...then the final outcome.
The beginning of the banner
Long view
Jessica making finger print borders

Can you see what the kids spelled out?
The final result

I think the banner turned out amazing. We had some of the individuals as well as staff put their hand prints on each colored square as well as the white area. We included a poetry verse as well:
"Many warming hands that always want to play that never stop exploring the wonder of today."
Sometimes I feel so grateful that I have finally found a place to work...that just feels right. It feels like I am finally where I need to be. And, while that occupational happiness may seem foreign I welcome it with open arms!

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