Saturday, April 30, 2011

Side note of my night....

It amazes me at times that the "tough" exterior (although muffin-esque) is nothing but a facade. People who will terrorize the lives of others just to be cruel. People trusting and really believing the lies as biblical truths is how they were won over . As soon as they come to realize what the truths really are, the tables turn (and not in the sense of a Dialectical Behavior Therapy technique).

But as much as I wanted to confront my accuser, I am glad I didn't. My life is in a much better place because of your actions. I love the new job and I know I'll be sticking around there for awhile. My job isn't wavering in the breeze because people can't stand me. I am and forever will be, one else. So, on that note....I thank you. =)

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