Friday, June 17, 2011

Played By A Puppet Master

Being there for a friend is one of the most genuine forms of flattery a person can show. And when that friend is in extreme need coming to their aide is the job of a friend. What happens when it all goes wrong? I'll tell you.

My sisters best friend (We'll call her Beatrice) has been like a sister to us since they started their friendship. I was the older ( sister who was also the babysitter. I honestly loved this kid as if she was a part of my family...unfortunately, they started to drift apart after high school. Beatrice got herself a boyfriend and things quickly spiraled out of control (by her own admission). She ended up heading down the path of not only psychological destruction but emotional and physical as well. She thought she found the solution when she met her "husband" (we'll call him Satan). Satan went to jail (if I'm not mistake 2 or 3 times). They even got married there....much to her loving parents surprise.

Now...things started to go terribly wrong when Satan came home. Fights breaking out, drugs being done, drugs being sold, cars being driven without proper licenses etc. So, what do me and my sister do? We come to the rescue. I let Beatrice stay at my house for a little under a week so her father and my sister could attempt to get her out of the situation she had gotten herself in. Weeks later, I am leaving work 3 hours early because Beatrice decided that a bottle of pills would be a better solution than leaving on her own two feet. My sister and I even made plans to see her in the psych ward she got herself admitted to. Always there to lend that ever supportive hand to a LOVED ONE in need. Plans then were set in place to move Beatrice away from the apartment her and Satan shared. However, that didn't seem to stop Beatrice from going there...and even getting into one more heated situation where she damn near chopped her own hand off by punching a window. sister was there for her.

Now, when she leaves posts on facebook about wanting to change what had happened in the last few months and my sister leaves and encouraging response, my sister gets verbally attacked by Satan, calling her fat and saying she looks pregnant. Now, I know I am almost 30 years old but this set me off a bit...there is no reason to attack anyone that has helped your "WIFE" so graciously. So, I made sure that Captain Heroin knew I wasn't going to stand for that...

So this morning...I go to check on her facebook, not for his stupidness but to see if she was ok...low and behold I am not only deleted, but I am blocked...weird...hmm...ok...Come to find out, so is my sister...Beatrice's "best friend". However, we were able to find a way to see what had been posted...and Satan went off on a rant calling us fat, C----, etc. etc. etc...and Beatrice stood by him. I am completely and utterly appalled by this. And, I'd like to say that Beatrice is no longer welcome in my life, my home, my breathing space. I feel like after everything my sister and I have done for her we were just slapped in the face. And why did this happen? Because a low-life Heroin addict scum bag is playing Beatrice as if she were a marionette puppet. He has the strings and she does as she's directed.

Its so sad to see someone so young in such an abusive relationship that she can't even see, nor acknowledge the loving hands that once tried to help her on her feet...those hands are no longer there Beatrice...and if you's your own fault. You will realize this when there is no one left to catch you.

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